Tuesday, August 23, 2011

There's More...

Seriously, child--I could report on the funny things you say almost daily. Here's a recent run-down.

You were playing with your wooden/paper dolls and putting different clothes on them. I was on the bed minding my own business when I heard you say, "here's her boobie stopper." That was interesting. I watched as you placed it on the doll's chest. Bobbie stopper is a good word for bra, I think.

Shortly after we took a trip to Dillards. Where you begged to go on the escalator. I always let you go on the escalator at least once (because I remember loving that as a kid too). I told you that you could but you had to mind while mommy glanced at the shoes. After glancing we went up and then back down. On our way back through the shoe dept. there were three female employees standing around talking. As we walked past them you informed me, within their hearing, that you were "a little bit naughty." They all started laughing. I told you that I agreed, you are a little bit naughty, although I'm not sure what you had done to announce it.

A few weeks ago I was putting you to bed and you decided you wanted to breastfeed. You've been weaned for over a year now, but you are around a lot of babies and it still intrigues you from time to time. You told me that boobie milk makes you fly--that may be the best thing you've ever said, according to your daddy. Except for yesterday when you started calling him "Daddy Lover Christopher." Your daddy always calls you his lover and you finally reciprocated.

You are precious, child.


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